Quick Start

This page will get you started with Lipe in no time.


  • Requires Node >=14.x
  • Requires npm or similar package manager (yarn, pnpm)

In your local npm project run:

npm i lipe

this will install lipe and all of its dependencies (which are currently none 😉)


Lipe has both support for CommonJS (node) require as well as ESM import syntax


import Logger, { LoggerPipe } from "lipe";


const {default: Logger, LoggerPipe} = require("lipe");

All of the documents will be referencing the ESM syntax but both are valid.

Now all that is left is to construct a new logger, Pipe its output somewhere meaningful and to Log a message.

import Logger from "lipe";

let logger = new Logger();


logger.Log("Hello World!");

have a read through the Introduction for more in depth explanations.